AZ Investor

News in Brief

Scottsdale Man Sanctioned for Misrepresenting Himself as a Licensed Investment Professional

Scottsdale Man Sanctioned for Misrepresenting Himself as a Licensed Investment Professional

The Corporation Commission ordered Warren C. Nagler of Scottsdale and his affiliated company, Sunnyslope Capital Advisers, LLC, to pay a $10,000 administrative penalty for providing investment advisory services for a fee without being licensed with the Commission. Also, Nagler is required to pay $96,802 in restitution, the amount of fees paid by his clients.  

The Commission found that Nagler repeatedly misrepresented himself as a license investment adviser to at least four clients as well as other financial institutions and securities issuers. In addition to advisory fees, Nagler and his company charged clients for consulting services that included management brokerage and retirement accounts, research, analysis, meetings, travel and general business and investment advice.  While he had been registered as a securities salesman in other states, Nagler was not licensed or registered in Arizona since 2017.

In settling this matter, the respondents neither admit nor deny the Commission’s findings, but agree to the entry of the consent order. All documents relating to this agenda item can be found in the Corporation Commission's online docket at and entering docket number S-21218A-22-0325.





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