AZ Investor

News in Brief

Commission Sanctions Former Investment Professional for Enriching Himself with $250,000 from an Elderly Client’s Account

Commission Sanctions Former Investment Professional for Enriching Himself with $250,000 from an Elderly Client’s Account

The Arizona Corporation Commission ordered former investment adviser representative Bryan L. Little of Glendale to pay $56,500 in restitution and a $4,000 administrative penalty for dishonest and unethical conduct in connection with an elderly client’s investment account. The Corporation Commission found Little, while working as a licensed investment adviser representative, transferred $250,000 from his client’s account to buy securities to subsequently enrich himself and others. Also, the Commission found this client had appointed Little as the primary agent pursuant to a Power of Attorney.

The Commission found Little no longer holds an investment adviser representative license in Arizona. In settling this matter, the respondent neither admits nor denies the Commission’s findings and agrees to the entry of the consent order.

All documents related to this agenda item can be found in the Corporation Commission's eDocket and entering docket number S-21251A-23-0152.





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