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Commissioner Lea Márquez Peterson Votes “Yes” to Help AZ Families Save Energy & Money through Energy Efficiency

Oct 15, 2020, 14:13 by Nicole Capone
For Immediate Release | 10-15-20
Media Contact | Daniel Schwiebert
Direct |  602-542-3625

REMOTELY FROM TUCSON – Arizona Corporation Commissioner Lea Márquez Peterson voted “Yes” on Wednesday to adopt a proposal that will help customers of Arizona Public Service Company, Tucson Electric Power, and UNS Electric save on their monthly electric bills through the use of energy-saving technologies. The proposal was supported by Southwest Energy Efficiency Project, Arizona PIRG Education Fund, and Arizona Wildfire (formerly Arizona Community Action Association).
“Innovations in our homes and on the grid, such as smart devices and ENERGY STAR-rated appliances, provide some of the most direct ways for Arizona’s families to save money and are constantly evolving,” said Commissioner Márquez Peterson. “These energy-saving technologies give Arizona’s households new opportunities to save, including during the times of day when the cost per kilowatt-hour is highest for customers.”
Once adopted in a final rules package by the Commission, the bipartisan proposal will help save millions of dollars for Arizonans over the next ten years and require Arizona’s electric utilities to accomplish the following by 2030:
  • Reduce utility capacity and peak demand on the grid by 35%
  • Reduce overall energy consumption among electric customers by 13%
  • Treat resources on the customer’s side of the meter equally with other utility resources
The Arizona Corporation Commission has been discussing revisions to its renewable energy standard for the last two years and has been narrowing-in on a final rule package this year.
“Wednesday’s vote represents a major milestone in the Commission’s effort to get something done. I think we’re close,” said Márquez Peterson.
"This decision is about advancing sound principles and putting Arizona and its citizens first. I will continue to fight for reliability, affordability, and transparency and making good progress to create a sound energy future for Arizona.”
“I was proud to lend my support and vote ‘Yes’ for energy efficiency,” she said. “Including the proposal in our final rule package will enshrine our commitment to helping Arizonans save money and investing in technologies that help our businesses and our local economy.”