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Arizona Corporation Commissioner Anna Tovar testifies against bill that would strip the Commission’s authority over renewable energy

Jan 28, 2021, 06:48 by Chris Resuello

From the Office of Commissioner Anna Tovar

For Immediate Release | 01-28-2021

Media Contact | Nick Debus

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Phoenix—Arizona Corporation Commissioner Anna Tovar testified before the House and the Senate Natural Resources, Energy & Water Committees in opposition to the unconstitutional attempts by Republican legislators to rob the Commission of its power to forge the path to a clean energy future for Arizona.

House Bill 2248 and Senate Bill 1175 prohibit the Commission from specifying the type of generation an electric utility regulated by the Commission can purchase. In practical terms, these bills eliminate future renewable energy requirements and the Commission’s ability to regulate or protect conventional generation like nuclear, coal, and gas. These efforts commenced shortly after the Commission, in a bipartisan vote of 4-1, passed energy rules that gradually reduce emissions over the next thirty years. Commissioner Tovar believes these bills infringe on the Commission’s ratemaking and permissive authority in Article 15, Section 3 of the Arizona Constitution.

According to Commissioner Tovar, “these bills hurt our economy, our environment, and the health of our citizens. Arizona needs long-term energy resource planning so we can draw more investment and jobs to the State. The Commission has the time and expertise to weigh all the evidence and set energy policy that is in the best interest of customers and the State. The Legislature, no matter how well intentioned, cannot interfere with our constitutional duties to the people of Arizona.”