If you are a member of the media, please email ngarcia@azcc.gov or call (602) 542-0728.
The Arizona Corporation Commissioners voted on 12 matters, including electric and water utilities, railroad, and securities items. Highlights from the meeting include:
Policy for Competitive Community Solar and Energy Storage Projects Established
The Arizona
Corporation Commission issued the order to implement phase I of a utility-managed
opt-in Community Solar Program on a 4-1 vote. Community Solar provides benefits
multiple individuals who lease or buy energy from an off-site array if they are
unable to install solar panels for themselves. Solar advocates, including
utilities and consumers, participated in a stakeholder process since May of
2022. Phase II of the Community Solar implementation will review additional commission
policies, including cost recovery, deferred payment arrangements, consolidated
billing, implementation cost, and consumer protections. This program will prioritize
low- and medium-income ratepayers but will also benefit residential customers
and organizations like faith-based groups, schools, and non-profits.
All documents related to this agenda item can be found in the Corporation Commission's online docket https://edocket.azcc.gov and entering docket number E-00000A-22-0103.