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ACC Reschedules APS Rehearing Date

Aug 14, 2024, 12:41 by Zyanne Nelson

Phoenix, Ariz. – The Arizona Corporation Commission voted unanimously to reschedule the start of the Rehearing in the February 2024 APS rate case Decision No. 79293 to Monday, October 28, 2024.  Previously, the Commission voted unanimously in April 2024 to grant, in limited part, applications filed by Attorney General Kris Mayes, Arizona Solar Energy Industries Association and Solar Energy Industries Association, and Vote Solar.  The rehearing is limited to the issues pertaining to the adoption of the Grid Access Charge (“GAC”), specifically, whether the GAC rate is just and reasonable, including whether the rate should be higher or lower; whether the GAC rate constitutes an alleged discriminatory fee to solar customers and whether omission of the GAC is discriminatory to non-solar customers. 

Intervenors in this case attempted to expand and broaden the limited scope of the rehearing.  On July 24, 2024, the Administrative Law Judge granted the Staff’s motion to reiterate the limited, narrow scope of the rehearing – ensuring the rehearing does not become a new rate case for all APS solar customers.  As such, the Commission voted on August 13, 2024, to adjust the rehearing date in the case, which was originally scheduled to commence on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.  Chairman O’Connor, noting the date falls on General Election Day during a presidential election year, offered a motion to reschedule the commencement of the rehearing to October 28, 2024, with the agreement of all parties that were present.

“There have been instances of media messaging regarding the rescheduling of the rehearing that are incorrect and inaccurate. The Commission believes that by establishing an earlier hearing date, the questions surrounding the GAC rate can be resolved succinctly,” said Chairman Jim O’Connor.  “Furthermore, it enables the Commission to hear a final Recommended Opinion and Order in this matter before the end of this seated Commission, who voted on the original APS case, as well as granted the rehearing.  Postponing a decision past the end of 2024 represents ‘Justice Delayed, Justice Denied.’  APS solar customers have a right to know if the GAC rate fees are fair and just.  The Commission and the ALJ will remain focused on the true scope of the rehearing,” said Chairman O’Connor.