Meet the Commissioners

Nick Myers

Vice Chair

Commissioner Myers Offers Amendment to Eliminate EV Infrastructure Subsidy

Phoenix, Ariz.— At the Arizona Corporation Commission’s Regular Open Meeting on December 5, 2023, the Commission adopted Commissioner Nick Myers’ verbal amendment to discontinue Arizona Public Service Company’s (APS) Take Charge AZ program.

“To maintain safe and reliable service it is critical that our electric utilities plan for the growth of electric vehicle adoption in the coming years,” said Commissioner Myers, “However, electric utility customers should not be subsidizing the build out of EV infrastructure in our state.” 

APS initiated the Take Charge AZ pilot program in 2018. Under the program, APS installed and maintained Level 2 EV charging stations for commercial customers and deployed Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) stations across the Company’s service territory.

The Commission adopted Commissioner Kevin Thompson’s amendment to deny the $5 million budget request to fund the program with ratepayer money. Commissioner Myers’ amendment further clarified that APS should discontinue the program going forward.  

“While EVs will play an important and growing role in our nation’s transportation future, I believe electric utilities should not be in the automotive and transportation business,” commented Commissioner Myers.

For more information on this amendment, please contact Amanda Hasty at

Contact Commissioner Nick Myers

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Arizona Corporation Commission
Commissioners Wing
1200 W. Washington St., 2nd Floor,
Phoenix, Arizona 85007


(602) 781-6282


(602) 542-3977



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Rene Lopez
