Meet the Commissioners

Nick Myers

Vice Chair

How to Participate in the Wildfire Mitigation Town Hall

Phoenix, Ariz. —   Arizona Corporation Commissioner Nick Myers is hosting with Representative Selina Bliss (LD-1) a Wildfire Mitigation Town Hall this Thursday, April 4, 2024, in Prescott Valley, Arizona.  Local utilities are on the forefront of wildfire risk management and must take proactive steps to protect the people, homes, and communities they serve.  For example, starting May 2024, electric utilities are adding a new wildfire mitigation strategy to be used during extremely high-fire risk conditions called Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS).  Commissioner Myers would like to hear from you. Your input will help the Arizona Corporation Commission evaluate the ongoing preparedness of our regulated utilities. 

Members of the public who would like to participate have several options:

  1.  In-person:  Prescott Valley Public Library Auditorium, 7401 E. Skoog Blvd, Prescott Valley, AZ   5:00 PM- 8:00 PM
  2.  Virtually using a WebEx link:
  3. Over the phone:  1-877-309-3457  Meeting Number:   2631 627 9269
    Meeting Password:  AZCCTH1

Contact Commissioner Nick Myers

Commissioners and their advisors are prohibited from communicating in writing, by phone or in person with individuals about the merits of any currently active contested case. All emails and letters received related to current contested cases will be filed with Docket Control and available for public inspection.  See the Commission’s Ex Parte Rule and FAQs.


Arizona Corporation Commission
Commissioners Wing
1200 W. Washington St., 2nd Floor,
Phoenix, Arizona 85007


(602) 781-6282


(602) 542-3977



Consumer Fraud Complaints:

Attorney General Online Portal

Other Commissioners

Rachel Walden


Rene Lopez
