Meet the Commissioners

Lea Márquez Peterson


Arizona Electric Utilities Set New Records for Peak Energy Demand

Aug 8, 2024, 13:00 by Zyanne Nelson


Phoenix, Ariz. – Arizona Public Service Company (APS) and Salt River Project (SRP) both set new records for peak electricity demand on Sunday, August 4, 2024 between 5 and 6 p.m.  The high temperature in Phoenix on August 4 was 116 degrees.  “Our utilities continue to deliver reliable power in the face of excessive temperatures and ever-increasing electricity demand.  Arizona continues to be ranked in the top ten of states with the most reliable power—a critical statistic for which each of us is thankful during these record-breaking temperatures,” said Chairman Jim O’Connor.  This year, utilities were anticipating reaching record highs, and their predictions were accurate. 


Company                  Highest Peak Demand to Date in 2024    Record High in 2023

APS                              8,212 MW on August 4, 2024                   8,162 MW

SRP                              8,219  MW on August 4, 2024                  8,163 MW

TEP/UNS                   2,917 MW on July 8, 2024                         2,969 MW     


According to TEP, its peak demand on August 4, 2024, reached 2,661 MW.  “Our utilities are facing unprecedented challenges in balancing the needs of our energy demands during this hot summer while ensuring energy reliability at the most affordable rates,” said Commissioner Lea Márquez Peterson. “Their summer preparedness planning for peak demand is vitally important to keeping our families safe and cool in the summer.” 

Earlier this year, the three largest utilities assured the Commission that they are prepared to produce a combined total of more than 23,000 megawatts of electricity to meet customers’ daily summer demands.


Company               # Customers             Capacity                     Peak Forecast    

APS                       1.3 million                       9,742 MW                   8,403 MW     

SRP                       1.1 million                        9,385 MW                   8,257 MW

TEP/UNS                 719,000                            3,500 MW                   2,974   MW


The Arizona Corporation Commission remains committed to rigorously regulating resource planning to make sure that our energy landscape remains affordable, reliable, and responsive to the needs of Arizonans.   The Commission encourages Arizonans to be mindful and help reduce electric demand during peak hours.  Actions, such as lowering energy use during peak hours and signing up for demand response programs can contribute to reducing overall customer demand and reducing monthly electric bills.

Contact Commissioner Lea Márquez Peterson

Commissioners and their advisors are prohibited from communicating in writing, by phone or in person with individuals about the merits of any currently active contested case. All emails and letters received related to current contested cases will be filed with Docket Control and available for public inspection.  See the Commission’s Ex Parte Rule and FAQs.


Arizona Corporation Commission
Commissioners Wing
1200 W. Washington St., 2nd Floor,
Phoenix, Arizona 85007


(602) 542-3625


(602) 542-3977



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