While you are viewing a specific business entity record, scroll down to the Scanned Documents section. You may click on any of the blue buttons in the Document Number column to bring up an image of the actual scanned
Please understand that image files are very large. Therefore, it could take up to several minutes for the image to load, depending on the speed of your internet connection.
While viewing the document image, there will be buttons at the top of the page to zoom in or rotate the image on your screen, and a “Close” button which will return you to the Corporate Inquiry page.
If you wish to download an image, right-click on the page you wish to save and choose Save Image As or Save Picture As (depending upon which browser you use). Your browser may ask what you
wish to do with the file. The files are JPEG images, compatible with most image viewers and software. You should choose to save the file, at which point you will be asked where you wish to save the file and what you wish to call the file. We cannot
tell you for certain how to answer these questions. The answers depend on what kind of computer you have, what you intend to do with the image, and how long you wish to keep it. However, as an example, if you are using a Windows PC, you could save
it in your c:\temp directory, and give it a name which corresponds to the entity name. For example, if the entity name is "ABC Corporation", the file name you give it could be "ABCCorp.jpg". Once you have saved the file, you can open the image at
any time using the imaging application which comes with Windows. Simply go to "Start", then "Programs", then "Accessories", and choose "Imaging". In the Imaging window, choose "File" and "Open" and enter the name under which you saved the file.
Again, this is all for illustrative purposes only, and provided here for the benefit of more casual computer users.