Hearing Division

Public Records Request

As a public agency, the Arizona Corporation Commission generates and maintains public records.  Public records generally consist of anything created or received by the Commission or its employees that relates to public business.  The Commission’s public records may be requested or are available for inspection unless: (1) they are confidential by law (statute, rule, or privilege); (2) privacy interests outweigh the public’s right to know; or (3) disclosure is not in the best interests of the State.

Requesting Public Records

To obtain public records, please complete and submit the Public Records Request Form in its entirety.  It is important that the request be as detailed as possible to avoid delay and the need for further communications prior to providing the requested records.  A request must, if applicable, be accompanied by required authorizations, court orders, and/or a statement of commercial use.  Failure to provide necessary information or to submit required supporting documentation will delay the processing of the request.

You may submit a Public Records Request electronically, in person or by mail.

In-person or by mail:                 
Arizona Corporation Commission

c/o Legal Division
1200 West Washington Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Public record requests are processed in the order received and may take up to 30 days to fulfill, although the response time can be shorter or longer depending on the request, the location of the requested records, and the amount of research required.  Please be advised that Arizona law does not require the Commission to create records that do not already exist in order to comply with a public records request.  Requests for customized reports and/or data may be denied.

Public Records Request Fees

As permitted by A.R.S. § 39-121.01(D)(1), the Commission may charge a fee to cover the costs of reproduction and postage for public records being requested for non-commercial purposes.  Additional charges apply to public records requested for a “commercial purpose.”  See A.R.S. § 39-121.03.   A “commercial purpose” is defined by A.R.S. §39-121.03(D)) as “the use of public record for the purpose of the sale or resale or for the purpose of producing a document containing all or part of the copy, printout, or photograph for sale, or obtaining of names and addresses from such public records for the purpose of solicitation, or for any purpose in which the purchaser can reasonably anticipate the receipt of monetary gain from the direct or indirect use of such public record.”

Corporations Division Requests

Many records may be found at no cost at eCorp.azcc.gov. Public Records request that include database extraction may require additional fees.

For records not found on eCorp:


Securities Division Requests

Applicant will be contacted if there is a charge for the records.

All Commission Division Requests

For electronic delivery: no charge.

Once public records have been identified and gathered, the requestor will be notified of the total amount due.  Payment is required before any records will be provided.  Payment must be check, or money orders (payable to the "Arizona Corporation Commission” – no abbreviations). Cash will only be accepted in person by the Corporations Division.

Legal Review

In some cases, records may be required to undergo legal review prior to release to the public.  Records or parts of records may not be subject to public disclosure, including attorney-client privileged information, attorney work product, information protected by privacy interests, trade secrets, executive session minutes, other information deemed confidential by law, or information where release would be detrimental to the best interests of the government.  The Commission will notify you if a requested record or part of a record is restricted by law.  Records that are not subject to disclosure will be withheld.  Records that are subject to disclosure, but which contain information that is private or confidential, will require redaction, meaning that the non-releasable portions of the document will be removed or otherwise obscured so that it cannot be read.

Further Information

For additional information, please see the Public Records Statutes, A.R.S. §§ 39 -121 et seq.  Answers to frequently asked questions relating to public records requests are available through the Office of the Arizona Ombudsman at  http://www.azoca.gov/resources/faqs/faqs-public-access-laws/


Contact the Hearing Division


1200 W. Washington St,
Phoenix, AZ 85007


(602) 542-4250

Docket Control
(602) 542-3477
