Subpoena Forms
Below are sample formats for Subpoenas for Utilities matters and Securities matters. Please select the applicable forms below and deliver or mail the completed subpoena to the Executive Director’s Office, Arizona Corporation Commission, 1200 West Washington, 2nd Floor.
Once the subpoena is signed by the Executive Director, the party requesting the subpoena is responsible for having it served.
Utilities Subpoenas
Securities Subpoenas for compelling the attendance of witnesses for administrative hearings.
If you are served with a Commission subpoena and wish to object to it, you have the right to file a motion to quash the subpoena if the subpoena is unreasonable or oppressive. Additionally, you may file a motion for a Commission order to advance your reasonable costs of producing the books, waybills, papers, accounts or other documents requested by the subpoena. All such motions shall be promptly filed and must be filed prior to the time specified in the subpoena for compliance. Please see A.C.C. R14-3-109(O) for the full rule. All motions should be filed in the appropriate case and may be mailed with the appropriate number of copies or electronically filed.
If you have additional questions please contact the Executive Director’s Office at 602-542-3931.
1200 W. Washington St,
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(602) 542-3931