Why Follow a Docket or Document Type?
If you want to know what is happening in a Commission case but are not participating in the case (that is, you're not one of the parties to the case, such as an applicant or an intervenor), you can receive notice of each filing made in the docket for the case by signing up to follow the docket. The service is free and easy. You can follow as many dockets as you like and can choose to unfollow a docket at any time. If you are following a docket, you will receive an email each time a filing is made in the docket. The email tells you the type of document filed and provides a link to access a PDF of the document.
It is also possible to follow a document type, so you will receive notice of each filing of that type made in any docket or in only specified types of dockets or cases. This can be useful, for example, if you want to know whenever a Commissioner files correspondence in any docket or whenever a Commissioner files correspondence in a specific type of docket/case. If you are following a document type, you will receive an email each time a filing of that type is made, subject to any docket/case type filters you have specified. The email will provide a link to access a PDF of the document.
How do I Signup to Follow a Docket?
How do I Filter the Document Types Received in a Followed Docket?
How do I Signup to Follow a Document Type?
What if I want Someone Else to Receive the Emails Too?
If you desire to have another email address receive the messages regarding any of the dockets or document types you are following, click on "Add" next to "Courtesy Emails" within the listing for the docket or document type. A pop-up window should appear that allows you to enter an additional email address. Add the address desired and click on "Add Courtesy Email." A green message should appear near the top of the screen indicating that you have added the filter. Also, you will see the new email address listed for the docket or document type. Repeat as necessary.