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APS, SRP, TEP, and UNSE Announce Plans to Join Markets+

Phoenix, Ariz.— Commissioner Nick Myers applauds a joint announcement from Arizona Public Service (APS), Salt River Project (SRP), Tucson Electric Power (TEP) and UniSource Electric (UNSE) that they plan to join Southwest Power Pool’s Markets+ day-ahead and real-time energy market when it launches in 2027.

“While we are still waiting on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to approve the Markets+ tariff (hopefully any day now), I’m pleased to see that all major Arizona utilities have committed to joining,” stated Commissioner Myers, “there is much to commend in Markets+: a governance structure that empowers all market participants to have a meaningful voice, tariff language that aims to keep greenhouse gas policy costs in their respective states, and a method of calculating resource adequacy that is fair for all participants.”

Commissioner Myers has served for the past two years on the Markets+ State Committee (MSC), which has provided state regulatory perspective on the development of the Markets+ tariff. He is currently chairman of the MSC and has worked on the Markets+ Greenhouse Gas Task Force and the Resource Adequacy Task Force.

“Not only will market participation increase reliability into the future but is expected to result in nearly $100 million in savings to customers,” commented Commissioner Myers, “participation in Markets+ by our Arizona utilities is certainly a win for Arizona customers.”

For more information, please contact Commissioner Myers at