Meet the Commissioners

Kevin Thompson


The Arizona Corporation Commission Code of Ethics stipulates that the following information be disclosed publicly on the Commission website quarterly beginning May 1, 2018: Individual Commissioner Calendars, Financial Disclosure Statements, Campaign Contributions, and any gifts received with a value exceeding $20. All of that information can be found by clicking on the following links.




16-927. Campaign finance reporting period

A. A political action committee and political party shall file a campaign finance report covering each reporting period as follows

1. For a calendar quarter without an election, the political action committee or political party shall file a quarterly report. The quarterly report shall be:

(a) Filed not later than the fifteenth day after the calendar quarter. 

(b) Complete through the last day of the calendar quarter. 

2. For a calendar quarter with an election, the political action committee or political party shall file a preelection and postelection report as follows: 

(a) A preelection report shall be: 

(i) Filed not later than ten days before the election. 

(ii) Complete from the first day of the applicable calendar quarter through the seventeenth day before the election. 

(b) A postelection report shall be: 

(i) Filed not later than the fifteenth day after the applicable calendar quarter. 

(ii) Complete from the sixteenth day before the election through the last day of the applicable calendar quarter. 

B. A candidate committee shall file a campaign finance report only during the four calendar quarters comprising the twelve-month period preceding the general election for the office for which the candidate is seeking election, or for cities and towns, the city's or town's second, runoff or general election, however designated by the city or town. The reporting period for a candidate committee's first campaign finance report of the election cycle shall include the entire election cycle to date. 

C. A committee shall file campaign finance reports until terminated.

A link to Secretary of State Financial Disclosure Handbook can be found here.

The Arizona Corporation Commission adopted the Code of Ethics at the March 13, 2018 Open Meeting. Following the incorporation of all proposed and adopted amendments, the Code was finalized, signed by all five Commissioners, and submitted to the docket on April 6, 2018. Find the finalized Code of Ethics in the Corporation Commission’s online docket at, search for docket number AU-00000E-17-0079.

Contact Commissioner Kevin Thompson

Commissioners and their advisors are prohibited from communicating in writing, by phone or in person with individuals about the merits of any currently active contested case. All emails and letters received related to current contested cases will be filed with Docket Control and available for public inspection.  See the Commission’s Ex Parte Rule and FAQs.


Arizona Corporation Commission
Commissioners Wing
1200 W. Washington St., 2nd Floor,
Phoenix, Arizona 85007


(480) 901-8841


(602) 542-3977



Consumer Fraud Complaints:

Attorney General Online Portal

Other Commissioners

Rachel Walden


Commissioner Myers

Nick Myers

Vice Chair

Rene Lopez
