Phoenix, Ariz.— Commissioner Nick Myers attended the Summer Policy
Summit of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
(“NARUC”) on July 14-17, 2024. At the Summit, Commissioner Myers had the
opportunity to ask some poignant questions of one of the country’s
largest tech companies. The company has data centers all over the world
and is looking for power, a lot more power.
“Given that
your company has aggressive clean energy goals, the technical ability
and project management capabilities, and a very large R&D budget,
have you considered building the first Small Modular Reactors in a
behind the meter or “bring your own energy” type of solution?,” asked
Commissioner Myers of the company.
Though the question was
well received by several utility regulators in attendance, the company
provided a quite disappointing response. In essence, the company
responded that it was not interested in a behind the meter solution, but
rather would like to partner with utilities and regulators to come up
with “Clean Transition Tariffs (CTTs).”
“It is frustrating
that these well-funded, cutting edge, multi-billion-dollar companies are
unwilling to invest the capital to bring these new advanced nuclear
technologies to the market when they are the ones with the aggressive
clean energy goals,” commented Commissioner Myers, “they’d rather push
the costs onto utility customers and taxpayers, and possibly even get
discounted rates through special tariffs in order to achieve their own
“Because the demand for power in Arizona is
anticipated to increase about 40% by the end of the decade and baseload
generation is set to retire at roughly the same time, we will need to
find ways to double our energy production very quickly,” concluded
Commissioner Myers, “it’s unfortunate big tech companies appear
unwilling at this time to put their money where their mouth is.”
For more information about Commissioner Myers pushing for ways to bring new technologies and generation to the grid, please contact Amanda Hasty at