1300 W. Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2996
Main: (602) 262-5601
Fax Number: (602) 262-5620
Email: safety@azcc.gov
Pipeline Main: (602) 252-4449
Railroad Main: (602) 542-7772
Email: railroad-web@azcc.gov
Master Meter Systems
As of April 27, 2001 all operators of gas distribution systems including master meter operators must have a written operator qualification plan (OQPLAN) for individuals performing covered tasks on a pipeline facility. An operator of a master meter system is that person who purchases metered gas from a public service corporation to provide gas service to two (2) or more buildings other than at a single-family residence.
The master meter operator may develop their own written OQPLAN or purchase one from an outside source. For interested master meter operators, a written OQPLAN is available at no charge from the Arizona Corporation Commission, Pipeline Safety Section, 1300 W. Washington Street, Suite 220, Phoenix, Arizona 85007.
Operators of a master meter system will file an annual report with the ACC on Form MM-04, "Annual Report for Calendar Year 20___, Small Operators of Gas Distribution System," incorporated by reference, and copies available from the Arizona Corporation Commission, Office of Pipeline Safety, 1300 W. Washington Street, Suite 220, Phoenix, AZ 85007. This report must be filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission, Office of Pipeline Safety not later than April 15 for the preceding calendar year.
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