1200 W. Washington Street

Phoenix, AZ 85007-2927


Phoenix Office: (602) 542-4251


Tucson Office: (520) 628-6550


Toll Free In-State Only:

1-(800) 222-7000


Email: UtilitiesDiv@azcc.gov

The use of inappropriate or threatening language when submitting a complaint to the above email may result in your comments not being docketed and no action taken regarding your comments


Who Does the Commission Regulate?

The Commission regulates investor-owned or privately-owned utilities that provide gas, water, electricity or telephone service. Examples are: Southwest Gas, Arizona Public Service, Tucson Electric Power, Qwest, and Arizona-American Water.

The Commission also regulates utility cooperatives (owned by the customers) such as Graham County Electric Cooperative, Mohave Electric Cooperative and Doney Park Water Cooperative.

The Commission also oversees the safe operation of railroads in the state and enforces state and federal regulations safeguarding the transportation of hazardous materials by rail. It also inspects railroad crossings and clearances for safety and maintenance deficiencies.

The Commission DOES NOT regulate interstate long distance rates, cell phones, fax machines, voicemail services or internet services. Also the Commission DOES NOT regulate cable or satellite TV. Cable television systems are typically regulated at the municipal level. Contact your local municipal entity for assistance with cable questions.

Many cities own and operate electric, gas, sewer and water utilities. The Commission DOES NOT have jurisdiction over these operations with the notable exception of pipeline safety for municipal, public or any natural gas distribution system.

Stay Connected

Check here to sign up for Consumer Alerts from the Corporation Division. To receive alerts for your business register at eCorp.azcc.gov.Please call 602-542-3026 with questions for the Corporations Division.

Check here to sign up for Notices and Agendas for Commission Meetings, Hearings and Appearances.Please call 602-542-3931 with any questions.

Check here to receive the latest Commission News Releases and information. Please call 602-542-0728 with any questions.

Arizona Corporation Commission

1200 W. Washington Street

Phoenix, AZ 85007


Corporations Division

1300 W. Washington Street

Phoenix, AZ 85007


Tucson Office (Walk-ins only)

400 W. Congress Street

Tucson, AZ 85701