Establishing a Trusted Contact
Is your investment professional or company asking you for a “trusted contact”?
Your investment firm may request that you give them the name and contact information of a trusted contact. While it is not mandatory to do so, state and federal securities regulators and the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority urge you to consider providing the name of someone you trust as a contact on your accounts.
What is a trusted contact?
A trusted contact is a person you authorize your financial firm to contact in limited circumstances, such as if there is a concern about activity in your account and they have been unable to get in touch with you. A trusted contact may be a family member, attorney, accountant or another third-party who you believe would respect your privacy and know how to handle the responsibility. You may establish more than one trusted contact.
Why add a trusted contact to your account?
For anyone who has an investment account, having one or more trusted contacts, among other provisions, provides another layer of safety on your account and puts your financial firm in a better position to help keep your account secure.
A trusted contact can help your firm connect with you. This person may be asked to confirm your current contact information, health status or the identity of any legal guardian, executor, trustee or holder of a power of attorney. U.S. securities dealers are required to provide, and other financial firms may provide, a written disclosure that lays out these details.
What authority does a trusted contact have on your account?
Unless separately authorized, a designated trusted contact cannot make trades in your account or make decisions about your investment account, act on your behalf to execute these transactions or engage in activity in your account. Also, it does not make the designated person to be a power of attorney, legal guardian, trustee or executor.
By designating a trusted contact, you are authorizing the investment firm to contact someone you trust and disclose information about your account only in limited circumstances. A firm may only disclose reasonable categories of information with a trusted contact, including information that will assist the firm in administering the customer’s account.
How can you add a trusted contact to your account?
You can contact your financial firm or investment professional and ask to add a trusted contact to your account at any time! You can also ask your financial firm to change or update your trusted contact information at any time.
You may be asked to add a trusted contact when you log on to your investment account online. Your financial firm may send notices to you, via email or regular mail, that include instructions for adding a trusted contact to your account. Before clicking on any link in an email notice about a trusted contact, make sure you verify with contact information in your possession that your investment firm sent the email.
Finally, keep this one-page fact sheet handy to remember important information about naming a trusted contact.
You can also view a short video provided NASAA on the importance of naming a trusted contact.
About Small Business Investments
Small businesses may raise start-up and growth financing by selling stock or debt to the public. This type of financing often is considered public venture capital. Many investors view such an investment opportunity as a chance to get in on the ground
floor of an emerging business that is on the verge of going public.
Beware! Purchasing the stock or the debt instruments of a small company is a highly speculative investment even under the best of economic climates. Statistically, most new businesses fail within the first few years of operation. Thus, it would be wise to avoid investing a large portion of your personal assets into an unknown, start-up company.
Read more about small business investments before you hand over your money.
Tips for Online Investing
The North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA), of which the Arizona Corporation Commission’s Securities Division is a member, developed “10 Tips for Online Investors” listed below to encourage investors to think
carefully about making an investment online. When you invest online, be sure to:
1. Receive full disclosure, prior to opening your account, about the alternatives for buying and selling securities and how to obtain account information if you cannot access the firm’s website.
2. Comprender que lo más probable es que no esté vinculado directamente al mercado, y que el clic de su mouse no ejecuta instantáneamente la operación.
3. Receive information from the firm to substantiate any advertised claims concerning the ease and speed of online trading.
4. Receive information from the firm about significant website outages, delays and other interruptions to securities trading and account access.
5. Obtain information before trading about entering and canceling orders (market, limit and stop loss), and the details and risks of margin accounts (borrowing to buy stocks).
6. Determine whether or not you are receiving delayed or real-time stock quotes and when your account information was last updated.
7. Review the firm’s privacy and website security policies and whether your name may be used for mailing lists or other promotional activities by the firm or any other party.
8. Receive clear information about sales commissions and fees and conditions that apply to any advertised discount on commissions.
9. Know how to, and if necessary, contact a customer service representative with your concerns and request prompt attention and fair consideration.
10. Contact the Corporation Commission’s Investigator on Duty to: (1) verify the registration/licensing status and disciplinary history of the online brokerage firm, or (2) file a complaint, if appropriate.
Read more about how to ACC-Protecting-Your-Online-Accounts in the “Are You an Informed Investor?” publication.
Choosing and Monitoring an Investment Professional
Need help managing your nest egg? There are various types of financial professionals who can provide assistance in helping you reach your financial and retirement goals. In many in circumstances, the assistance of an investment professional is needed to provide perspective and guidance, especially if you don't have the time to manage your own investment.
One way to narrow the search is to generate a candidate list by asking friends, family and neighbors, but then you need to interview this person to make sure you feel comfortable with their investment strategies for your financial situation. Before entrusting
your life savings with anyone, it is important to know what questions to ask and how to verify the answers, which can save you time, frustration and most importantly, potential financial loss due to unsuitable investments and fraud.
What should you expect from a financial professional? No matter what type of investment professional you choose, you should receive the following services for your money:
Read more about how to choose and monitor an investment professional.
Common Investment Pitfalls and Traps
Investing your money can be a daunting task. The road to finding the right investment for you can be littered with confusion that can translate into high costs and worst yet—significant financial loss and fraud. Exercise a healthy dose of skepticism and take your time by researching the investment and learning how it works.
Be a victor and not a victim! A few simple actions can potentially help investors sidestep the financial devastation promoted by a con artist or unscrupulous investment professional. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid:
Read more about how to avoid the common investment pitfalls that may trap you.
Know Your Risk Tolerance and Suitability
Before you make any investment decision, you need to consider two factors that should influence all of your choices--your risk tolerance and what investments are suitable for you.
Risk can be simply defined as the possibility of suffering a loss. The higher the return on your investment, the greater the risk you are taking. One way to minimize your risk of financial loss is through diversification, which can be summed with the old adage, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
Suitability means that the investment is in line with your investment objectives and financial situation. You should buy investments that are appropriate for you at your stage in life. Also, consider how soon you need access to the money you will be investing. The sooner you need access to the money, the more liquid (easily converted to cash) the investment should be.
Read more about risk and suitability before you decide on any investment. Complete a investor risk survey then compare to the score card to determine your risk tolerance.
Raising Capital in Arizona
Unless an exemption from registration applies, you must register securities before you even offer them to anyone. "Offer" is a broad concept. Essentially, you are making an offer any time you are providing someone with information in order to generate
an interest in buying. You may not intend to make a sale at the time, but by providing the information, you may be making an offer.
Certain types of securities and certain types of securities transactions are exempt from registration requirements. These exemptions typically are based on the quality of the issuer or other types of factors that offer protection to the investors so that the protection afforded through the registration process is not necessary.
It is highly recommended that you consult with a licensed securities attorney to interpret the applicable statutes for you before obtaining investor funds. You and your legal counsel should also review the "Raising Capital in Arizona" document prepared by the Commission's Securities Division, which discusses the commonly used methods of issuing securities to raise capital in Arizona. The Securities Division's Duty Officer can answer general questions about the registration process, applicable forms or the commonly relied upon exemptions.
Guide to Reading a Prospectus
Before making any investment, request and review the prospectus. Many investors, however, avoid reading a prospectus before investing, as it seems to be too difficult and time-consuming. As a result, some investors rely solely on a seller to make a verbal summary of their content, and are sometimes unpleasantly surprised to find that the investment they just made isn't exactly what they expected.
Anyone offering you an investment opportunity should give you an offer memorandum: a full description of the investment and the people and risks involved with the investment. Read it. If the memo confuses you, have an accountant, securities attorney or other expert and objective third party read the document.
Read more tips on what to look for when evaluating a prospectus, including important questions to ask and where to check answers related to the investment seller, product, and company.
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