Utilities Division

Notice of Inquiry on Natural Gas Infrastructure

Notice of Inquiry on Natural Gas Infrastructure Matters

Final Staff Report Redacted - Staff Report on Arizona Public Service Company Filing for Pre-Approval of Cost Recovery for Participation in the Kinder Morgan Silver Canyon Pipeline Project - August 16, 2004

Proposed Order - Staff Proposed Order on Arizona Public Service Company Filing for Pre-Approval of Cost Recovery for Participation in the Kinder Morgan Silver Canyon Pipeline Project - August 16, 2004

Final Staff Report Redacted - Staff Report on Southwest Gas Filing for Pre-Approval of Cost Recovery for Participation in the Kinder Morgan Silver Canyon Pipeline Project - Redacted Version - June 2, 2004

Proposed Order - Staff Proposed Order on Southwest Gas Filing for Pre-Approval of Cost Recovery for Participation in the Kinder Morgan Silver Canyon Pipeline Project - June 2, 2004

Arizona Public Service Application for Pre-Approval, April 9, 2004

Southwest Gas Application for Pre-Approval, March 12, 2004

February 13, 2003:

February 13, 2003 Workshop Minutes
Agenda for February 13, 2004 Workshop

Presentations at the February 13, 2004 Workshop:

Staff Presentation on NOI BackgroundStaff Summary of National Petroleum Council Report

Project Updates:

Picacho Pipeline
Transwestern Pipeline
Sempra Energy Global Enterprises
Kinder Morgan
Red Lake

Comments on Strawman Proposal and September 10, 2003 Workshop:

Arizona Competitive Power Alliance
Arizona Power Authority
Arizona Public Service
City of Mesa
City of Tucson
El Paso Natural Gas Company - Copper Eagle Gas Storage
Kinder Morgan
North Baja Pipeline
Power Up Corporation
Residential Utility Consumer Office
Sempra Energy Global Enterprises
Shell Trading
Southwest Gas
TECO Power Service
Wellton-Mohawk Generating Facility

September 10, 2003:

September 10, 2003 Workshop Minutes
Agenda for September 10, 2003 Workshop


September 9, 2003:

Staff Presentation at September 10, 2003, ACC Workshop Regarding Notice of Inquiry on Natural Gas Insfrastructure
Strawman Proposal for Notice of Inquiry on Natural Gas Infrastructure
Issued September 9, 2003


Responses to April 15, 2003 ACC Notice of Inquiry on Natural Gas Infrastructure:

Arizona Consumer Council
Arizona Electric Power Cooperative
Arizona Public Service
Black Mountain Gas
Citizens Communications
City Of Mesa
Copper Eagle Gas Storage
Kinder Morgan
North Baja Pipeline
Pacific Texas Pipeline
Power Up Corporation
Red Lake Gas Storage L.P.
Reliant Energy
Salt River Project
Sempra Energy Resources
Southwest Gas
Southwestern Power Group II
TECO Power Services Corporation
Transwestern Pipeline
Wellton-Mohawk Generating Facility


April 15, 2003:

Summary of Responses to April 15, 2003 Notice of Inquiry on Natural Gas Infrastructure
Notice of Inquiry on the Issue of: Arizona Corporation Commission Policy and Action on Natural Gas Infrastructure Matters in Arizona
Issued April 15, 2003

Contact the Utilities Division


1200 W. Washington St,
Phoenix, AZ 85007


Phoenix Office:
(602) 542-4251

Tucson Office:
(520) 628-6550

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1 (800) 222-7000



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