Utilities Division



The Arizona Corporation Commission maintains regulatory authority over private water companies and private wastewater companies throughout Arizona. There are presently more than 400 individual water systems operated by nearly 350 companies under our jurisdiction. There are approximately 21 wastewater companies and 20 combination water and wastewater providers that we regulate. Multiple systems can be operated by the same utility company.

Several other agencies also have jurisdiction over aspects of running a reliable water system. Two divisions within the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) have regulatory authority. ADEQ's Waste Programs Division deals with solid waste treatment and disposal, and therefore is concerned with wastewater systems. ADEQ's Water Quality Division has the responsibility of ensuring the safety of drinking water from public water systems. Questions related to water quality, water pollution or contaminants in drinking water should be directed to ADEQ.

County health authorities also oversee public health issues associated with water and wastewater systems.

You will find our Frequently Asked Questions page very helpful if you would like to know more about how we regulate water and wastewater companies in Arizona. Popular topics may have their own links so please enjoy browsing our site and learning more about public utility regulation.

If you are not sure if the ACC has jurisdiction over a water or wastewater company, please contact us.

Questions related to water quality, water pollution or contaminants in drinking water should be directed to ADEQ. For information regarding these other agencies, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for helpful information to know more about how we regulate water and wastewater companies in Arizona.


List of Regulated Companies

Map of Companies


Water Companies with ACC Water Conservation Tariffs

The ACC sometimes requires a water company to implement best management practices (BMPs) selected from Arizona Department of Water Resources list of BMP's.

For more information, go to:


Contact the Utilities Division


1200 W. Washington St,
Phoenix, AZ 85007


Phoenix Office:
(602) 542-4251

Tucson Office:
(520) 628-6550

Toll Free In-State Only:
1 (800) 222-7000



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