Utilities Division

Water/Wastewater Company Applications and Forms

Applications and Forms

Water Utilities

All documents officially filed with the Corporation Commission must go through the Docket Control Center.  Below are instructions and applications to assist you.  We will be adding and updating these documents on an ongoing basis.

These files have been created using Adobe Acrobat.

Docket Control Center

Docket Control Center Filing Information
Compliance Filings Instructions

Outage Form

Water Outage Reporting Form
Wastewater Outage Reporting Form



How to Intervene in a Utility Case

Subpoena Forms

Subpoena Forms

Rate Review Form

Class C, D, and E Rate Review Form

Financial Application

Finance Application

Rate Application

Emergency Rate Procedure and Notice

Companies with Annual Gross Operating Revenues (Including Requested Rate Relief) of Less than $1,000,000 - Word Version (Rules Updated 1/16/2015) Class D and E water utilities only.

Water Application

Wastewater Application

Companies with Annual Gross Operating Revenues (Including Requested Rate Relief) of Less than $1,000,000 - Excel Version (Rules Updated 1/16/2015) Class D and E water utilities only.

Water Application

Wastewater Application

Utilities with Annual Gross Operating Revenues (Including Requested Rate Relief) in Excess of $1,000,000 (Rules Updated 1/16/2015)  This link will take you to the Arizona Secretary of State's website, Administrative Code R-14-2-103, which includes the appropriate application for Class A, B and C utilities.

In addition to the Appendix schedule formats, delineated in R-14-2-103.B.1, applications for Class A, B, or C utilities shall contain the following additional information.  This information is authorized pursuant to R14-2-103.B.5, which allows the Commission to request supplementary information in addition to that specifically required for A, B, C, or D utilities in R14-2-103.B.1.

  1. The utility's most recent ADEQ annual sampling fee invoice for its Monitoring Assistance Program, if the water utility participates in the program.
  2. The amount of water sold and the amount of water pumped during the last 12 months should be provided.  Please note if fire hydrants or fire flow is provided.  Interconnections with other private water systems or cities, and the capacity of those interconnections should be noted.  If the rate application includes multiple public water systems as defined by ADEQ, then the water use data should be specific to each of the public water systems.  A suggested format is included in the supplemental form link below.  This suggested format is illustrative and the applicant's specific formats may vary from that suggested below.  However, the substantive information must be contained in the applicant's schedules or forms.  For sewer utilities, please us the specific utility forms.
  3. Please provide an inventory of the major plant in service.  If the rate application includes multiple public water systems as defined by ADEQ, then the inventory should be specific to each of the public water systems in this rate application.  Major plant in service includes, but is not limited to, surface water treatment plants, wells, groundwater treatment equipment (i.e. iron removal, disinfection, etc.), storage tanks, booster pumps, pressure tanks, distribution mains, and meters.  A suggested format is included in the supplemental form link below.  This suggested format is illustrative and the applicant's specific formats may vary from that suggested below.  However, the substantive information must be contained in the applicant's schedules or forms.  For sewer utilities, please us the specific utility forms.
  4. If it has not been previously filed, the application should include a copy of the proposed curtailment tariff, and/or cross connection/backflow tariff.  Suggested formats for these two tariffs can be found in the form links, above.
  5. Supplemental Forms for Class A, B and C utilities.

The Rates and Charges contained in these documents reflect Staff's general recommendations.  Any specific submittal will be subject to Staff Review and recommendation, as well as Commission review, change, update and approval.

Contact the Utilities Division


1200 W. Washington St,
Phoenix, AZ 85007


Phoenix Office:
(602) 542-4251

Tucson Office:
(520) 628-6550

Toll Free In-State Only:
1 (800) 222-7000



PLEASE NOTE - The use of inappropriate or threatening language when submitting a complaint or comment may result in your item not being docketed and/or no action taken.